Later in 2024, we will be funding our first initiative in Latin America, covering the costs of 500 healthy vegan meals at a vacation camp for children in the small community of El Hato, most of whom are Indigenous.
Guatemala has the highest malnutrition rate in Latin America and the sixth highest globally. Nearly half of all children face chronic malnutrition, with 47% of those under the age of five experiencing stunted growth, rising to 70% among Indigenous children. With the community growing at a rate almost twice that of the rest of the developing world, our locally based partners Asociación Juntos Podemos emphasise the benefits of a vegan diet for animal welfare and human health and nutrition. They also educate people in their community about the broad array of food choices available.
The camp is part of the organisation's Garden of Hope initiative. One of the educational goals is to shift perceptions of animals and the environment, emphasising the value of partnering with nature rather than working against it.
Sixty participants at the camp (largely recommended by local schools) will engage in a combination of leisure activities and education. In addition to receiving healthy vegan meals, they will learn about humane living through lessons in vegetable growing and cooking. There will be time for fun as well. Children will have opportunities to express themselves through art activities and games.
We are incredibly grateful for your decision to support our work in this beautiful village of Guatemala.
David Santa Catalina, Asociación Juntas Podemos