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Vegan Compassion Group


In autumn 2023, we launched a new school meal programme, providing funds to feed 50 children at Kasikombe Primary School, situated roughly 70 miles west of Kampala in Uganda.

Our donation covers the cost of meals throughout the school year (253 days).

As with our Ethiopian project, the aim is not only to provide hungry children with nutritious plant-based meals but also to help improve school attendance and academic achievement. Hungry bellies are the enemy of learning.

In this case, meals are prepared and consumed on the school premises. A typical meal is a local dish called Posha, consisting of steamed cornmeal, kidney beans and mixed greens – all purchased locally and contributing to the economy.

Our input is part of an ambitious initiative by fellow vegan organisation Magic Marble Foundation to feed all 400 children at two schools and provide support to economically deprived families and their wider communities.

The school feeding programme is backed up by efforts to understand the problems faced by the community as a whole, such as the threats from malaria and lack of clean water. Parents are offered information on public health, nutrition, and humane, environmentally sustainable living. Fundamental issues such as the importance of hand washing, basic first aid and hygiene in disease prevention are also addressed.

Thank you so much for helping us, it means so much to our small organization.
Jennifer George, Magic Marble Foundation

Serving a daily meal
Serving a daily meal
Students queuing for lunch
Students queuing for lunch
Lunch time
Lunch time