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Vegan Compassion Group


Providing funds for a school feeding programme in Ethiopia was our first project, dating way back to 2016 when we operated as the Living Without Cruelty Trust. For the first few years we sponsored breakfasts and lunches cooked on the premises at a school in Addis Ababa.

But everything changed during the Covid pandemic. Schools were closed, so the only way to ensure that hungry children received food was to supply take-home parcels.

Our partner International Fund for Africa (IFA) also requested that we switch our support to Jihur Primary School in the rural Amhara region in the north of the country. This was largely because the authorities stepped in to guarantee some provisions for the children in Addis.

September 2023 marked the fourth year that we have sponsored food for roughly 125 students at Jihur. Pupils receive a monthly 10kg parcel containing a combination of pulses and grains carefully formulated to provide a variety of essential nutrients – carbohydrates, protein, fibre and a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

The impact of the programme has been considerable:

Additional benefits include:

We want to express our sincere appreciation for your continued partnership with IFA and the generous support of the Vegan Compassion Group for the schoolchildren of Jihur. Your support has enabled us to continue providing critical services and support to those who need it most.
Dr Tsedaye Bezabeh, Programme Director

Monthly food parcel distribution
Monthly food parcel distribution
Monthly food parcel distribution
Monthly food parcel distribution
Measuring out the food parcels
Measuring out the food parcels
Some of the students who benefit
Some of the students who benefit